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iOS App Released – How Is Weather

Posted on 21 Jul 2015
iOS App - How Is Weather

Build using Swift, iOS8, Xcode 6 and posted on apple store.

Simple & Clean weather application build using swift that shows Current weather information, Hourly temperature for next 24 hrs, High and low temperature for next 7 Days. It fetch weather data from web services via rest api.

Supported Device:
iPhone 4s, iPhone 5/5s/5c, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPad having iOS8.

Technology Used:
iOS8, Swift, XCode 6, Core Data Storage, Local Storage, Core Location Framework, Map Kit Framework, Adaptive Layout, Size Class for iPhone & iPad version, UIWebView, REST API Integration, JSON Data Parsing, Web View Integration.

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PrashantKumar Mangukiya
Native iOS / Hybrid Mobile Application Developer
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