How To Use UITextView In Swift 2, iOS 9 Application
Sample project demonstrate how to use UITextView that support multi line text input (i.e. newline character). This demo also shows how to close iOS keyboard using UIButton Action (Note: iOS keyboard Return key does not close the keyboard for UITextView because return key will add newline “\n” character within text content). Newline character support must for UITextView due to it’s usage for long paragraph text, so we must close keyboard by other appropriate way.
Technology used
– Using UITextView
– How to close keyboard using UIButton Action.
– Build with Xcode storyboard.
– Adaptive layout for major screen size support.
– Created with Swift 2, Xcode 7, iOS 9.
– Swift 2
– iOS 9
– Xcode 7
Supported Device
iPhone 4s, 5, 5s, 5c, 6, 6 Plus, 6s, 6s Plus, all iPad having iOS 9.
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